Ecocriticism Research Collective
Das Ecocriticism Research Collective besteht aus Doktorand:innen, die sich für das Gebiet des Ecocriticism interessieren. Ecocriticism ist ein blühender Bereich der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, der die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Natur näher untersucht. Wir haben regelmäßige Arbeitstreffen, bei denen wir uns über unsere Texte (z. B. Dissertationausschnitte, Vorträge, Vorlesungen, Veröffentlichungen, usw.) austauschen und Ideen teilen. Unsere Interessen als Gruppe sind breit gefächert und umfassen:
- die historischen Wurzeln des Ecocriticism, seine Kontinuitäten und Vermächtnisse
- die Amerikanische Romantik und Nature Writing
- die Rekonzeptualisierung von Wildnis und wilden Räumen
- Ecofeminism
- Environmental Justice und Indigenous Literatures
- das Konzept des Anthropozäns in den Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
- Climate change fiction (Cli-fi)
- Ecopoetry
- Posthumanismus
- New Materialism
Wir sind immer offen für Gastvorträge und Anfragen zu gemeinsamen Projekten.
Gerne können Sie uns kontaktieren:
Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen
- Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Anthropocene, ed. wth Gina Comos. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars 2019.
- "Sehnsuchtsort Natur: Von Ralph Waldo Emerson zu Peter Wohlleben. Schreiben über Natur in den USA und in Deutschland" (mit Peter Braun). Weiland, Marc/Werner Nell (eds.) Gutes Leben auf dem Land? Imaginationen und Projektionen. (Reihe: Rurale Topographien, Bd.12). Bielefeld: Transcript 2021: 167-197.
- "Wildnis Stadt: Zeitgenössisches Urban Birding und seine historischen Wurzeln in den USA." In: Kerschbaumer, Sandra/Gisela Mettele (eds.) Romantische Urbanität. Wien/Köln: Böhlau 2020: 187-209.
- "Landmarken: Das Konzept des Bioregionalismus bei Gary Snyder und Helmut Salzinger"(with Peter Braun). Zeitschrift für Germanistik XXX: 2 (2020): 363-380.
- "The Nature(s) of Canadian Ecocriticism and Ecopoetry." In Comos/Rosenthal (eds.) Anglophone Literature in the Anthropocene. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019: 96-114.
- "Introduction" (with Gina Comos) to Anglophone Literature in the Anthropocene. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019: i-xv.
- "Modell des einfachen Lebens: Henry David Thoreaus Walden." In Kerschbaumer, Sandra/ Stefan Matuschek (eds.) Romantik erkennen – Modelle finden. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2019: 169-186.
- "Sean Penn's Into the Wild." Peters, Susanne et al. (eds.) Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag 2013: 369-386.
Andrin Albrecht
Doktorand und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am DfG-Graduiertenkolleg "Modell Romantik", FSU Jena
- Dissertation: Romantic Authroships and White Male Genius in the Wale of Moby-Dick
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
- "That's Fucking Dark: Eleanor Catton's Birnam Wood as Ecogothic." Undead Tropes: New Directions in Gothic Studies, org. Evangelia Kindinger und Greta Kaisen, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 12. Januar 2024.
- "Is It Alright if I Don't Sing Tonight? Romance, Romanticism, and Climate Grief in Contemporary Popular Music." Teil der internationen Ringvorlesung Contemporary Contexts and Debates: 21st Century Literatures and Cultures in English, National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" (Ukraine), 4. Oktober 2023. Online.
- "Climate Grief and Romantic Nescience in Contemporary Popular Music." New Romanticism – BARS/NASSR 2022, Edge Hill University (Vereinigtes Königreich), 3. August 2022.
- Rezension: "Anahid Nersessian. The Calmity Form." gestern ROMATIK heute. Forum für Wissenschaft und Kultur, 2022, Link.
Gina Comos
Ehemalige Doktorandin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, FSU Jena
- Dissertation: “To Accept Responsibility and Forgo the Control?”: Women and Nature in US-American Literature of the Anthropocene
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
- Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Anthropocene. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2019. (edited with Caroline Rosenthal)
- "Introduction." In: Anglophone Literature in the Anthropocene (ed.). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars 2019, i-xv. (with Caroline Rosenthal)
- "American Ecocriticism and the Literature of the Anthropocene." In: Gina Comos Comos and Caroline Rosenthal, eds. Anglophone Literature in the Anthropocene. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars 2019, 48-66.
- "Applying Ecofeminist Principles to Ruth Ozeki’s All Over Creation." Ecocritical Life Writing in the Dystopic Present (international workshop). 06.12.2019, Augsburg, DE.
- "The Anthropocene in Literary and Cultural Studies." Narratives of Crisis: Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Anthropocene (lecture series). 06.04.2017, FSU Jena, DE.
- "Ecocriticism and the Challenge of the Anthropocene." Regional Colloquium of American Studies (Netzwerk Amerikanistik Mitteldeutschland). 13.01.2017, Dt. Literaturinstitut Leipzig, DE.
Carolin Grzenia
Doktorandin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, FSU Jena
- Dissertation: "Climate Grief in the Contemporary Memoir"
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
- "Climate Change, Grief, and the Genre of Memoir." Environmental Humanities: Writing the Self and Ecology (Seminar Series), Université Paris Cité, 06.03.2025.
- "Grieving Glaciers: Ice, Loss, and Literature." Ways of Water: Aquatic Poetics and Politics in North American Literatures (Lecture Series), FSU Jena & Universität Bremen, 08.05.2024.
- "Mourning the More-Than-Human World: Climate Grief in the Contemporary Memoir." Regional Colloquium of American Studies, Universität Leipzig, 14.04.2023.
- "Hope and Despair in Environmental Literature." Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 17.05.2022.
Ehemalige Honours-Studentin im Honours-Programm, FSU Jena
- Honours Projekt: “Affect and Emotion in Climate Fiction”
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
Amanda Halter
Doktorandin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, FSU Jena
- Dissertation: Reading Environmental Violence in Contemporary American Young Adult Fiction (Arbeitstitel)
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
- Rezension: Dana Luciano. How the Earth Feels: Geological Fantasy in the Nineteenth-Century United States, Amerikastudien/American Studies, 69.3 (2024), (Manuscript Submitted).
- "Addressing a Failing US Environmental Education from Within: An Ecopedagogy of Fiction." 2022 DGfA Conference Proceedings, 2024 (Manuscript Submitted).
- "Post-Pandemic Walden: An Examination of Thoreauvian Place-Based Education Through Covid and Beyond" (with Caroline Rosenthal). Teacher Education in (Post-)Pandemic Times: International Perspectives on Interculturality, Diversity and Equity. Eds. Silke Braselmann, Lukas Eibensteiner, and Laurenz Volkmann. Lausanne: Peter Lang, 2024, 125-154.
- Rezension: "Karen Kilcup, Stronger, Truer, Bolder: American Children's Writing, Nature, and the Environment." gestern ROMANTIK heute.Externer Link Forum für Wissenschaft and Kultur (2023).
- "Drawing #WaterBack in Indigenous Picturebooks." Ringvorlesung, "Ways of Water: Aquating Poetics and Politics in North American Literatures," FSU Jena, 12.06.2024.
- "Literature and Literary Studies in/of the Anthropocene." (with Carolin Grzenia). Guest Lecture, "Teaching the Climate Crisis" Seminar, FSU Jena, 21.06.2023.
- "Bridging Place-Based Learning and Critical Pedagogy: Picturebooks as Practical Application." In "Workshop: Place-Based Education and Environmental Care," as part of the DFG-funded research training group "The Romantic Model" at FSU Jena, 11.05.23.
- "'Re-Drawing' Nature: The Environmental Imagination in Contemporary Picturebooks." Invited guest lecture in the seminar "Bilderbücher in der Grundschule," University of Potsdam, 26.09.2022.
- “Addressing a Failing US Environmental Education: The Potential of Young Adult Anthropocene Fiction.” Annual DGfA Meeting: Political Education & American Studies, University of Tübingen, June 9-11, 2022.
- “Crises, Chasms, and Unlikely Collectives: Growing Up in Contemporary Young Adult Eco-Dystopian Fiction.” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts: Climate Change and the Anthropocene, virtual, 20.03.2021.
- “’Maybe it was the end of the world- that world’: An Examination of Hope in Young Adult Eco-Dystopian Fiction of the Anthropocene.” 31st Annual Mardi Gras Graduate Student Conference: Uncertain Futures: Exploring Ambiguities, Hopes and Anxieties, Louisiana State University, virtual, 10.02.2021.
- “At the Center of the Storm: A Critical Analysis of Adolescence in Young Adult Eco-Fiction.” Workshop on Constructions of Adolescence, Technische Universität Dresden, virtual, 16.07.2021.
Jaime Hyatt
Doktorandin am Institut für Anglistik / Amerikanistik, FSU Jena
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena, Institute of Advanced Studies- Dissertation: Tree Activism in Contemporary North American Literature: Politicizing the Environment of the Pacific Northwest (Arbeitstitel)
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
- "Embracing the Loss of Nature: Searching for Responsibility in an Age of Crisis." COPAS Journal 22.1 (2021), with Florian Wagner. Link
"Our Loves are Not Only Human: Collective Care and Entanglements." Reading workshop, 23.01. 2020, held at Akademie Schloss Solitude.
Hanna Masslich
Doktorandin im "Thüringer Wasser-Innovationscluster", FSU Jena
- Dissertation: Narrating Water/Water's Narrativity: Representations of Rising Water in Contemporary Fiction (Arbeitstitel)
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
- Masslich, Hanna. "Salvage Watery Memory: Materiality and Memory in Jesmyn Ward's Salvage the Bones." COPAS - Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 24:1 (2023), 58-72.
- "Water(y) Matter(s): Water's Materiality in Contemporary Theory and Fiction." Lecture Series: Ways of Water: Aquatic Poetics and Politics in North American Literatures, University of Bremen, July 3, 2024.
- "Noah's Ark Revisited: Investigating Flood Mythology in Contemporary Climate Fiction." International Conference: Narratives of Water: Flows, Routes, Crises in the Atlantic World, University of Turin, March 21-22, 2024.
- "Narrating Water/Water's Narrativity: Representations of (Rising) Water in Contemporary Fiction." Workshop: Current Research in American Studies, University of Flensburg, November 16, 2023.
- "Narrating Water: 'Modern,' 'Relational,' and 'Radical' Water in Kim Stanley Robinson's New York 2140." International Workshop: Relationality and More-Than-Human Storytelling, University of Augsburg, Juli 13-15, 2023.
- "Salvage Watery Memory: Materiality and Memory in Jesmyn Ward's Salvage the Bones." 32nd Annual Conference of the Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association for American Studies: Remembering: Transnational Memory Cultures and American Studies, University of Regensburg, November 10-12, 2022.
Luisa Turczynski
Ehemalige Doktorandin am Graduiertenkolleg "Modell Romantik", FSU Jena
- Dissertation: (Re-)Imagining Nature, Gender, and Sexuality in American Romanticism and Beyond
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
- "Late Romanticism: Past and Present." [Conference report] Conference organized by the KU Leuven English Literature Research Group, 12.-14.12.2019, Leuven, in: gestern ROMANTIK heute, 14.01.2020, Link
- "From Otherization to Identification? Re-Modeling the Romantic Self-Nature-Relation in (Proto-) Ecofeminist and Queer-Ecological Writings." International Workshop "Ecocritical Life Writing in the Dystopic Present". 05.-06.12.2019, Augsburg, DE.
Florian Wagner
Doktorand und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, FSU Jena
- Dissertation: Revisiting the Environmental Imagination: Planetary Poetics in Contemporary Canadian Poetry (Arbeitstitel)
- Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal
- Wagner, Florian. "Neo-Cosmopolitan Tidalectics as Planetary Poetics in Kaie Kellough's Magnetic Equator." Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies 11 (2022). (forthcoming)
- Wagner, Florian. "Julie Sze, Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger (Oakland: U of California P, 2020), 144 pp." Amerikastudien/American Studies 67: 2 (2022), 271-272. Link
- "Embracing the Loss of Nature: Searching for Responsibility in an Age of Crisis." COPAS Journal 22.1 (2021), with Jaime Hyatt. Link - "Towards the Reinhabitation of the Soil: On Becoming Earthbound in Gary Snyder’s Turtle Island." In: Gina Comos und Caroline Rosenthal, eds. Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Anthropocene. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2019, 81-95.
Konferenzvorträge (Auswahl)
- "Revisiting the Environmental Imagination: Planetary Poetics in Contemporary Canadian Poetry." Emerging Scholars Colloquium, 43rd Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries (GKS), February 17-19, 2022. Link
- "'Keep Your Solar Plexus Shining Brighter Than Your Necklace': Female Empowerment and Holistic Spirituality in Environmentally Conscious Hip Hop" Hip Hop Ecologies- A Workshop, University of Konstanz, February 18-20, 2021.
- "Revisiting the Utopian Imaginary: Of Species-Being(s), the Multitude and Sympoietic Worlding in Times of Ecological Crisis." Historical Materialism Annual Conference 2019, November 07-11, 2019, SOAS London, GB. (DAAD Travel Grant)
- Wagner, Florian. "The Species-Being in the Anthropocene: Finding Companionship and Collectivizing Struggle in Gary Snyder’s Turtle Island." Historical Materialism Athens 2019, 02-05, 2019, Panteion University Athens, GD.
Vergangene Veranstaltungen
- Ways of Water: Aquatic Poetics and Politics in North American Literatures (SoSe 2024, Ringvorlesung)
- "WILD = IRREGULAR." (Caroline Rosenthal). Roundtable, "Let's Talk Wild,"Externer Link Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 03.06.2024.
- "The Environmental Humanities." Ringvorlesung "Nachhaltigkeit," FSU Jena, 02.11.2023.
- "Ecocriticism on the Ground: A Sketch of Ecocriticial Work at FSU." Research Colloquium at the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus, FSU Jena, 29.06.2023.
- "Literature and Literary Studies in/of the Anthropocene." (Carolin Grzenia and Amanda Halter). Guest Lecture, "Teaching the Climate Crisis," FSU Jena, 21.06.2023.
- “Facets of Literature in the Anthropocene.” (Carolin Grzenia, Amanda Halter, and Florian Wagner). Guest Lecture, “Nature Writing and Ecocriticism,” FSU Jena, 12.01.2023.
- "The Anthropocene in Art and Literature." (Carolin Grzenia, Amanda Halter, and Florian Wagner). Guest Lecture, "Romantic Thought in the Epoch of the Anthropocene," FSU Jena, 03.05.2022.
- "Environmental Crisis and Culture: An Introduction to Ecocriticism and a Public Discussion." Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 22.11.2021.
- "Climate Change Stories: A Reading and Discussion." (Amanda Halter and Jaime Hyatt). Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 19.05.2021.
- "The Climate Crisis and the Literary Imagination: A Reading and Discussion with the Ecocriticism Research Collective." Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 24.11.2020.
Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen
- Halter, Amanda, and Caroline Rosenthal. "Post-Pandemic Walden: An Examination of Thoreauvian Place-Based Education Through Covid and Beyond." Teacher Education in (Post-)Pandemic Times: International Perspectives on Interculturality, Diversity and Equity. Eds. Silke Braselmann, Lukas Eibensteiner, and Laurenz Volkmann. Lausanne: Peter Lang, 2024, 125-154.
- Rosenthal, Caroline et al. "Rivers in North American Literature." 2024. (Collection of Portfolios)Externer Link
- Wagner, Florian. "Neo-Cosmopolitan Tidalectics as Planetary Poetics in Kaie Kellough's Magnetic Equator." Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies 11 (2022), 149-166. ( Link)
- Hyatt, Jaime and Florian Wagner, eds. "Embracing the Loss of Nature: Searching for Responsibility in an Age of Crisis." COPAS Journal 22.1 (2021). ( Link)