Amanda Halter, M.A.


Since 05/2020 

Research Associate in American Studies, FSU Jena

since 09/2019 

PhD Candidate in American Studies, FSU Jena

Working Title: "Reading Environmental Violence in Contemporary American Young Adult Fiction"

since 2019 Adjunct Lecturer in American Studies, FSU Jena

Leave Replacement: Research Associate in American Studies, FSU Jena

2016-2018 Student Assistant for Editorial Work, Institute of Social Geography, FSU Jena
2016-2017 Student Assistant, Institute of English and American Studies, FSU Jena

M.A. English and American Studies, FSU Jena

“The EcoBildungsroman: Coming of Age in Narratives of Ecological Crisis”


English Language Arts Teacher, Bronx Prep Middle School, Bronx, New York, USA


B.S. Adolescent English Education, Nyack College, Nyack, New York, USA

2009-2011 A.A. General Studies, Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA

Highschool Diploma, East High School, Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA

Publications and Research Interests

  • Editorial Work
    • Felgenhauer, Tilo and Karsten Gaebler, eds. Geographies of Digital Culture. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018.
    • Gruber, Eva and Caroline Rosenthal, eds. Gained Ground: Perspectives on Canadian and Comparative North American Studies. Rochester: Camden House, 2018.
  • Publications (Articles)
    • "Adressing a Failing US Environmental Education from Within: An Ecopedagogy of Fiction." 2022 DGfA Conference Proceedings, 2024 (Manuscript Submitted).
    • "Post-Pandemic Walden: An Examination of Thoreauvian Place-Based Education Through Covid and Beyond." (with Caroline Rosenthal) Teacher Education in (Post-)Pandemic Times: International Perspectives on Interculturality, Diversity and Equity. Eds. Silke Braselmann, Lukas Eibensteiner, and Laurenz Volkmann. Lausanne: Peter Lang, 2024, 125-154.
  • Publications (Reviews)
    • Dana Luciano. How the Earth Feels: Geological Fantasy in the Nineteenth-Century United States. Amerikastudien/American Studies, 69.3 (2024), (Manuscript Submitted).
    • "Karen Kilcup, Stronger, Truer, Bolder: American Children's Writing, Nature, and the Environment." gestern ROMANTIK heuteExterner Link. Forum für Wissenschaft und Kultur (2023).
  • Talks & Guest Lectures
    • "Drawing #WaterBack in Indigenous Picturebooks." Ringvorlesung, "Ways of Water: Aquating Poetics and Politics in North American Literatures," FSU Jena, 12.06.2024.
    • "Soccer and Gender in the US and Germany." Guest Lecture, Seminar "Football/Soccer and 21st Century Culture," University of Paderborn, 03.06.2024.
    • "The Environmental Humanities." (with the Ecocriticism Research Collective). Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeit, FSU Jena, 02.11.2023.
    • "Ecocriticism on the Ground: A Sketch of Ecocriticial Work at FSU". (with the Ecocriticism Research Collective). Research Colloquium at the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus, FSU Jena, 29.06.2023.
    • "Literature and Literary Studies in/of the Anthropocene." (with Carolin Grzenia). Guest Lecture, "Teaching the Climate Crisis" Seminar, FSU Jena, 21.06.2023.
    • "Bridging Place-Based Learning and Critical Pedagogy: Picturebooks as Practical Application." In "Workshop: Place-Based Education and Environmental Care," as part of the DFG-funded research training group "The Romantic Model" at FSU Jena, 11.05.23.
    • “Facets of Literature in the Anthropocene.” (with Carolin Grzenia and Florian Wagner). Guest Lecture, “Nature Writing and Ecocriticism” Seminar, FSU Jena, 12.01.23. 
    • "'Re-Drawing' Nature: The Environmental Imagination in Contemporary Picturebooks." Invited guest lecture in the seminar "Bilderbücher in der Grundschule," University of Potsdam, 26.09.2022.
    • "The Anthropocene in Art and Literature." (with Carolin Grzenia and Florian Wagner). Guest Lecture, "Romantic Thought in the Epoch of the Anthropocene" Seminar, FSU Jena, 03.05.2022.
    • “Addressing a Failing US Environmental Education: The Potential of Young Adult Anthropocene Fiction.” Annual DGfA Meeting: Political Education & American Studies, University of Tübingen, June 9-11, 2022.
    • “At the Center of the Storm: A Critical Analysis of Adolescence in Young Adult Eco-Fiction.” Workshop on Constructions of Adolescence, Hosted by Technische Universität Dresden, virtual, 16.07.2021.
    • “Crises, Chasms, and Unlikely Collectives: Growing Up in Contemporary Young Adult Eco-Dystopian Fiction.” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts: Climate Change and the Anthropocene, virtual, 20.03.2021.
    • “’Maybe it was the end of the world- that world’: An Examination of Hope in Young Adult Eco-Dystopian Fiction of the Anthropocene.” 31st Annual Mardi Gras Graduate Student Conference: Uncertain Futures: Exploring Ambiguities, Hopes and Anxieties, Louisiana State University, virtual, 10.02.2021.
    • “Ecocriticism and Young Adult Literature: Texts as Expressive Agents for Change.” Guest Lecture, Nature Writing and Ecocriticism Lecture Series, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, 21.01.2021.
    • "The Bildungsroman in the Anthropocene: Reading Narratives of Formation in the New Epoch." Regional Colloquium of American Studies. 25.10.2019, Halle, DE.
  • Research Interests
    • Children’s and Young Adult Literature
    • Ecocriticism
    • The Anthropocene in Literature and Culture
    • Adaptation Studies: Film, Literature, and Popular Culture
    • Literature Between the Wars and The Lost Generation

    Affiliations, Memberships, and Academic Networks

    • Children's Literature Association (ChLA)
    • Ecocriticism Research Collective, Institute of American Studies, FSU Jena
    • German Association of American Studies (DGfA/GAAS)
    • Young Adult Studies Association (YASA)
  • Teaching


    • Keeping it "Real": Young Adult Fiction and Realism (WiSe 24/25)


    • Introduction to Literary Studies II (SoSe 24)
    • Demystifying Literary Theory (WiSe 23/24)
    • The Western (SoSe 23) 
    • Adaptation: Literature to/from Film and Beyond (WiSe 22)
    • The Environmental Imagination in Children's Picturebooks (University of Erfurt, SoSe 22)
    • Introduction to Literary Studies II (SoSe 22)
    • Introduction to Literary Studies II  (WiSe 21/22)
    • Wild Things: Children's Culture and Ecocriticism (SoSe 21)
    • Young Adult Literature (WiSE 20/21)
    • Gatsby(s) on the Silver Screen (WiSE 20/21)
    • Revisions of the Bildungsroman in Anglophone Literature and Culture (WiSE 19/20)
    • The Lost Generation (WiSE 18/19)
    • The American Bildungsroman (SoSe 18)
  • Media
  • Other
    • "Environmental Crisis and Culture: An Introduction to Ecocriticism and a Public Discussion" (with Ecocriticism Research Collective). Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 22.11.2021.
    • "Climate Change Stories: A Reading and Discussion" (with Jamie Hyatt). Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 19.05.2021.
    • "The Climate Crises and the Literary Imagination: A Reading and Discussion" (with Ecocriticism Research Collective). Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 21.11.2020.