Felix Haase, Dr.


Since 10/2021

Project Manager and Translator for Simplefive

03/2016 - 09/2021

Research Associate and PhD Candidate at the Department for English and
American Studies, FSU Jena

07/2012- 02/2015

Student Assistant for Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal, FSU Jena


M.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik, FSU Jena. Thesis: "Redescribing
Surveillance and Sorting out Identities in Gary Shteyngart’s Super Sad
True Love Story and Dave Eggers’ The Circle"


Semester Abroad at Louisiana State University (English Studies und
Political Science)


B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik, FSU Jena. Thesis: "'The Invisible Scar':
Trauma and Narrative in Joseph Heller’s Catch-22"

  • Publications
    • with Stefanie Schäfer. "Revisioning and Rewriting American History in Geraldine Brook’s March (2005), James McBride’s The Good Lord Bird (2013), and E.L. Doctorow’s The March: A Novel (2006)." The American Novel in the 21st Century: Cultural Contexts –Literary Developments–Critical Analysis. Ed. Michael Basseler and Ansgar Nünning. WVT, 2019, pp. 87-100.
    • Review. "The Literature of Reconstruction: Authentic Fiction in the New Millennium". Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 67.1: 97-99.
    • "Death by Data: Identification and Dataveillance in Gary Shteyngart’s Super Sad True Love Story". Surveillance | Society | Culture. Eds. Zappe, Florian, and Andrew S. Gross. Bern, Schweiz: Peter Lang D, 2019.
    • "'Within the Circle': Surveillance and Space in Frederick Douglass’ Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave." Aspeers 8 (2015): 71-88.

  • Talks & Guest Lectures
    • "Data = Language? Sorting out the Relation between Surveillance and Identity Formation in Super Sad True Love Story." Surveillance / Society / Culture Conference, Göttingen: 28. Februar, 2016.
    • "Überwachung in dystopischen Romanen." Vortragsreihe Menschenrechte im Digitalen Zeitalter, Amnesty International, Jena: 25. November, 2015
  • Research Interests
    • Surveillance Studies
    • The New Sincerity
    • American Romanticism
  • Teaching
    • Introduction to Literary Studies II (SS 2020)
    • Literary Periods: Dark Romanticism (WS 2019/2020)
    • Introduction to Literary Studies II (SS 2019)
    • Literary Periods: The New Sincerity (WS 2018/2019)
    • Introduction to Literary Studies II (SS 2018)
    • Media: Adaptation Studies (WS 2017/2018)
    • Introduction to Literary Studies II (SS 2017)
    • Literary History: Reading Course – Melville (WS 2016/17)
    • Literature in Context: The Literature of Surveillance (SS 2016)