PD Dr. Haas, Florian

I have been at the FSU Jena since 2009, teaching linguistics courses and examining in all study programmes (B.A., M.A., 'Magister' and teacher training). My research interests are recent morphosyntactic changes in English, contrastive linguistics, typology and usage-based construction grammar. Most recently, I have worked on the history of human impersonal pronouns in English and successfully submitted the results as a postdoctoral lecture qualification ('Habilitation').
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  • Curriculum Vitae
    • 2024 Habilitation, Venia legendi in Englischer Sprachwissenschaft
    • Since 2009 Senior Lecturer in Linguistics at Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • 2008-2009 Research assistant in the project "Umfassende Bestandsaufnahme, Beschreibung und Erklärung wesentlicher Kontraste zwischen den Strukturen des Englischen und des Deutschen" ('Contrastive analysis of German and English: Description and explanation'; funded by the DFG)
    • 2008 Dr. phil., Summa cum laude, Freie Universität Berlin
    • 2007 Fall School "Computational Linguistics", Universität Potsdam.
    • 2006 Spring School "Linguistic Diversity", organized by the University of Leipzig and the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
    • 2004 Temporary position as a research assistant in the project "Form und Funktion verbaler und nonverbaler Ausdrucksmittel", Project director: Prof. Ekkehard König (Collaborative Research Center "Kulturen des Performativen", funded by the DFG)
    • 2003-2008 Research assistant at the Institut für Englische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin
    • 2003 Summer School "Linguistic Typology", Cagliari (Italy), organized by the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT)
    • July-August 2002 Summer School "Formal and Functional Linguistics", Universität Düsseldorf, jointly organized by the DGfS and the LSA
    • 2002-2003 Graduate course "European Master's Degree in Linguistics" at the Freie University Berlin and the University of Manchester; Thesis "Towards a typology of reciprocal constructions" ("with distinction"; Supervisors: Ekkehard König and William Croft)
    • 2002 M.A., Thesis: "Personal Pronouns in English".
    • 1999-2000 ERASMUS at Università degli Studi di Pisa, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
    • 1998-2002 Freie Universität Berlin, English Studies, Italian Linguistics and General Linguistics
    • 1997 High school diploma ('Abitur'), Wald-Oberschule Berlin.


  • Summer term 2015 -- Now

    Wintersemester 2023/2024

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Language Structure (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (3x)
    • Cognitive Linguistics (MA) 
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA) 

    Sommersemester 2023

    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Language Use (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (3x)
    • English Varieties (MA)
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA) Evaluationpdf, 257 kb

    Wintersemester 2022/2023

    Sommersemester 2022

    Wintersemester 2021/2022

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Morphosyntax (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (3x)
    • Cognitive Linguistics (MA)
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA)

    Sommersemester 2021

    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Use (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (3x)
    • English Varieties (MA)
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA)

    Wintersemester 2020/2021

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Morphosyntax (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (3x)
    • Cognitive Linguistics (MA)
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA)

    Sommersemester 2020

    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Use (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (3x)
    • English Varieties (MA)
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA)

    Wintersemester 2019/2020

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Morphosyntax (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (3x)
    • Cognitive Linguistics (MA)
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA)

    Sommersemester 2019

    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Use (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (2x)
    • English Varieties (MA)
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA)

    Wintersemester 2018/2019

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Morphosyntax (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (2x) Evaluation
    • Cognitive Linguistics (MA) Evaluation
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA) Evaluation

    Sommersemester 2018

    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Use (3x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (2x)
    • English Varieties (MA) Evaluation
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA) Evaluation


    Wintersemester 2017/2018

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Morphosyntax (3x) Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2
    • Phonetics (Theory) (2x) Evaluation
    • Cognitive Linguistics (MA) Evaluation
    • Prüfungen und Abschlussarbeiten in der Linguistik


    Sommersemester 2017

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Morphosyntax (3x)
    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Use Evaluation
    • Phonetics (Theory) Evaluation
    • English Varieties (MA) Evaluation
    • Prüfungen und Abschlussarbeiten in der Linguistik


    Wintersemester 2016/2017

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Morphosyntax (4x) Evaluation
    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Use
    • Phonetics (Theory) (2x) Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA) Evaluation
    • Prüfungen und Abschlussarbeiten in der Linguistik


    Sommersemester 2016

    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Use (2x) Evaluation
    • Phonetics (Theory) Evaluation
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA) Evaluation
    • Cognitive Linguistics: Construction Grammar (MA) Evaluation
    • Kolloquium für BA-Arbeiten in der Linguistik


    Wintersemester 2015/2016

    • Introduction to Linguistics I: Morphosyntax (2x) Evaluation
    • Phonetics (Theory) (2x) Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2
    • English Varieties (MA) Evaluation
    • English Grammar (BA) Evaluation
    • Kolloquium für BA-Arbeiten in der Linguistik
    • Recherche und Dokumentation (BA)


    Sommersemester 2015

    • Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Use (2x)
    • Phonetics (Theory) (2x)
    • Contrastive Linguistics (MA)
    • Cognitive Linguistics (MA)
    • Kolloquium für BA-Arbeiten in der Linguistik


  • Module overview

    FSU Jena

    Introductory Seminar "Introduction to Linguistics I: Language Structure"

    Introductory Seminar "Introduction to Linguistics II: Meaning and Language Use"

    B.A. Lecture "Phonetics (Theory)"

    B.A. Seminar "Sociolinguistics: Varieties of English"

    B.A. Seminar "English Grammar"

    B.A. Seminar "Text and Discourse Linguistics"

    B.A. Seminar "Variation and Change"

    M.A. Seminar  "Cognitive Linguistics"

    M.A. Seminar "English Varieties"

    M.A. Seminar "Corpus Linguistics"

    M.A. Seminar "Contrastive Linguistics"

    FU Berlin

    "Introduction to Linguistics (synchronic)"

    Tutorial "Understanding English-German Contrasts"

    "Introduction to Linguistics: Basic Concepts, Questions and Methods"

    Aufbaumodul "Levels of Linguistic Analysis I: Words and Sentences, Structure and Meaning"

    Aufbaumodul "Levels of Linguistic Analysis II: Grammatical theory and the structure of English"

    5 classes of the course "Filologia germanica"; Short-term lectureship at the University of PerugiaExterner Link, Dipartimento di lingue e letterature antiche, moderne e comparate (22-27 May 2006)

    Various stand-in classes: Examenscolloquium "Essentials of English Linguistics"


  • Student theses

    This list only includes theses that I supervised as first supervisor.

    • Negmatullaeva, Fatima (2023). Cognitive perspectives on beauty: A cross-cultural analysis. MA thesis
    • Uslu, Fatıma (2023). Does print exposure level predict the collocational knowledge size in Turkish speakers of English. MA thesis
    • Ni, Ruiyao (2023). Animacy effects in typology and English grammar. MA thesis
    • Sharifi, Niloufar (2023). Bilingualism and grammatical gender: A case study of gender assignment by L2 speakers. MA thesis
    • Gutzeit, Niklas (2022). Lexical change throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. A corpus analysis. BA thesis
    • Opitz, Klara (2021). A cognitive linguistic approach to English grammar teaching. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Weder, Charlotte (2021). Gender-neutral language in English and German. A contrastive corpus-based analysis. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Neumeister, Elena (2021). Second-language acquistion and new media -- How Netflix shaped the way we learn a second language. BA thesis
    • Seufert, Timm (2021). Unidirectionality in grammaticalization due to asymmetric priming. MA thesis
    • Geiger, Florian Robert (2020). Generating influence -- The cooperative Principle, multimodal metaphor and their use on Instagram. BA thesis
    • Bumblies, Elisa (2020). The contribution of prosody to the perception of German-accented American English. BA thesis.
    • Büchner, Carolin (2020). The use of construction grammar in second-language acquisition. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Chen, Di (2020). Linguistic relativity: A cross-linguistic approach to the impact of linguistic categories on perception. BA thesis
    • Heyne, Sophie (2020). Contrasts between the English and German morphosyntax -- Predicting errors made by German English learners. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Troll, Katrin (2019). Translation as a method of second-language learning. BA thesis
    • Peters, Luise (2019). Testing indicators of a German accent in American English speech. BA thesis.
    • Mehlhausen, Sophia (2019). Cymraeg plîs – A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Welsh Language. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Bracke, Linda (2019). "As an actor you want an Oscar." A contrastive corpus study on simulation and self-reference uses of impersonal you/du. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Bertram, Henning (2018). Empirican and philosophical perspectives on linguistic relativity. BA thesis
    • Deligiannidou, Ruth (2018). Maori loans in New Zealand English today. Testing linguistic relativity against popular notions. MA thesis
    • Rückold, Lisa (2018). American varieties: Identifying speech patterns in Virginia. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Seufert, Timm (2018). Linguistic relativity: A comparison of recent study supporting and refuting the influence of language on cognition. BA thesis.
    • Felka, Larissa (2017). Theoretical approaches to politeness. BA thesis.
    • Macholdt, Alexandra (2017). A constructionist approach to teaching English grammar. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Blume, Maren (2017). Identifying ethnolects -- A case study. BA thesis.
    • Hanisch, Jessica (2017). Code-switching and early and late bilingual conversations: Triggers and differences. BA thesis.
    • Sieber, Christin (2016). Das Gefühl tippt mit! -- Über den Einfluss von graphostilistischen Mitteln in der digitalen Kommunikation. BA thesis.
    • Hausmann, Isabell Marion (2016). Howdy y'all -- The correlation between accent and identity in Texas. BA thesis
    • Wagner, Caroline (2016). The integration of world Englishes into the Thuringian classroom. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Thuma, Kristin (2016). Turning words into deeds -- Authorship identification within the context of forensic linguistics. BA thesis
    • Neumann, Lukas (2016). Does the phoneme inventory of the native language affect the acquisition of second-language phonology? BA thesis
    • Scholze, Ireen (2016). Humour and implicature. BA thesis.
    • Pohl, Anne-Kathrin (2016). The representation of Jamaican Creole in Reggae music. BA thesis
    • Müller, Martina (2016). Phonetic iconicity. BA thesis
    • Jordan, Christin (2016). The English language debate in the U.S. BA thesis
    • Rauhut, Alexander (2016). English ing-forms and the noun-verb continuum. MA thesis
    • Lorenz, Eliane (2015). Quotative uses of third-person plural impersonals in Moden English: A diachronic corpus study. MA thesis
    • Müller, Amadeus (2015). The genitive variation in Spoken Jamaican English. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Kamleiter, Simona (2015). Linguistic relativity: A cross-linguistic approach to the impact of linguistic categories on perception. BA thesis
    • Schmidt, Tamara (2015). Insights on language acquisition: An investigation into the language centre through the avenue of patholinguistic research. BA thesis
    • Pisanaia, Olga (2015). Linguistic creativity of advertising texts. BA thesis
    • Mühlberg, Georg (2015). English-German contrasts in the EFL classroom: A linguistic perspective. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Gorskaya, Victoria (2015). “Cause foggy London town’s not built for me and you“: Expression of regional identity in the usic of Northern English Indie bands. MA thesis
    • Wildgrube, Lisa (2015). Bilingualism in Wales. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Bargholz, Weike (2015). Prototype theory: A case study of diachronic change in clothing terminology. MA thesis
    • Großmann, Lysann (2014). Minority varieties and their presence in US-American movies. BA thesis
    • Cellner, Janine (2014). The language of American comedy and action TV-series in comparison. BA thesis
    • Deligiannidou, Ruth (2014). English word stress: A study of (un)predictability. BA thesis
    • Meier, Alexandra (2014). Impersonal constructions in English and their Spanish correspondences: A contrastive and corpus-based analysis. BA thesis
    • Drotleff, Anja (2014). Identifying on the seemingly anonymous Internet. BA thesis
    • Wolf, Benjamin (2014). 'Offshore-Windenergie' -- The structure and function of English loanwords in German political speeches. BA thesis
    • Lätsch, Josy-Ann (2014). From prestigious to pretentious? The changing status of RP. BA thesis
    • Adler, Franziska (2014). New Zeland English: The linguistic development of an English variety and its introduction to the EFL classroom. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Roßt, Andreas (2014). Britisches oder Amerikanisches Englisch im Englischunterricht: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Broscheit, Maik (2014). Comparing the form and contents of user comments in different types of online platforms. MA thesis
    • Sucherdt, Carolin (2013). German-English false friends: A study of semantic change in cognate lexemes. BA thesis
    • Röder, Susanne (2013). Sociolinguistic change in attitude towards Received Pronunciation in England. BA thesis
    • Schröter, Anne (2013). English syllable structure: A critical discussion of the sonority sequencing principle. BA thesis
    • Pohl, Luisa (2013). Investigations in forensic phonetics: A critical approach to voiceprints for speaker identification on the basis of case studies. BA thesis
    • Rauhut, Alexander (2013). Translation effects in impersonalization strategies: A corpus-based comparison of English and German. BA thesis
    • Conrad, Martin (2013). Accent neutralization in India: Challenges and opportunities for phonetic training. BA thesis
    • Albrecht, Lisa (2013). The use of African American Vernacular English in specific sociolinguistic situations: Focus on grammar. BA thesis
    • Kegel, Franziska (2013). The meaning and use of the term sustainability -- A corpus study. BA thesis
    • Beier, Lisa (2013). Gender differences in communication. Stereotypes vs. reality. BA thesis
    • Rademacher, Robert (2013). The challenge of dubbing metaphors: A case study. BA thesis
    • Lichtenstein, Marie-Thérèse (2013). Focus on gender differences -- An analysis of tag questions. BA thesis
    • Lorenz, Eliane (2013). English correspondences of the German impersonal pronoun man: A corpus-based study. BA thesis
    • Roßt, Andreas (2013). Britisches oder amerikanisches Englisch im Englischunterricht: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Kubicová, Helena (2013). Czech-English phonological contrasts: A case study. BA thesis
    • Jenke, Teresa (2012). The discourse marker LIKE in Irish English. Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers
    • Enders, Christina (2012). Australian English: The development of a new accent. BA thesis
    • Gauger, Marie (2012). Non-standard grammar in Tyneside English: A corpus study. BA thesis
    • Schorm, Marilyn (2012). Accents as an indicator of social class in Britain and the USA -- A comparison. BA thesis
    • Enders, Julia (2012). An empirical investigation of the language of weblogs: Personal vs. professional blogs. MA thesis (Magisterarbeit)
    • Stelter, Melanie (2012). The stimulation of English language acquisition by introducing subtitled TV programmes in Germany. BA thesis
    • Feider, Raphael (2010). Language contact: Aspects of English influence on Texas German. BA thesis
    • Gerischer, Mandy (2012). The Locative Alternation and the holistic/partitive effect: A corpus-based study. BA thesis
    • Mihul, Irina (2011). Verb-particle construction: The influence of morphological and syntactic variables on particle placement. BA thesis
    • Rausch, Kevin (2011). Morphosyntactic contrasts between British and Indian English. BA thesis
    • Rother, Annika (2011). From Teddy Roosevelt to Barack Obama -- Phonetic change in American English from the Early 20th Century until Today. BA thesis
    • Jentsch, Jennyfer (2011). Bilingual children of immigrant families learning English as a third language: Advantage or disadvantage? BA thesis
    • Keller, Christoph (2011). Swearing in English: A linguistic analysis. BA thesis
    • Leiding, Christina (2011). Gricean maxims and their infringement on TV. BA thesis
    • Ostermann, Dorothee (2011). Language Contrast and Language Transfer in Second Language acquisition – The use of the Present Perfect and the Simple Past by native speakers of German. BA thesis
    • Ernst, Kristin (2011). Motivations for bilingual code-mixing. BA thesis


  • Papers

    Haas, Florian (2023). A diachronic perspective on English human impersonal pronouns. Habilitationsschrift, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

    Haas, Florian (2018). "You can't control a thing like that": Genres and changes in Modern English human impersonal pronouns. In Richard J. Whitt (ed.) Diachronic Corpora, Genre, and Language Change. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 171-194.

    Haas, Florian (2017). Motivating an English-German contrast in word formation. Languages in Contrast 17.2: 183-204.

    Lisa Deringer, Volker Gast, Florian Haas & Olga Rudolf (2015). Impersonal uses of the second person singular and generalized empathy: An exploratory corpus study of English, German and Russian. In Sorlin, S. and L. Gardelle (eds.), The Pragmatics of Personal Pronouns.Externer Link Amsterdam: Benjamins, 311-334.

    Gast, Volker, Lisa Deringer, Florian Haas & Olga Rudolf (2015). Impersonal uses of the second person singular: A pragmatic analysis of generalization and simulation effects."Externer Link Journal of Pragmatics 88: 148-162

    Haas, Florian (2012). Reciprocity. In WSK (Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft) Externer LinkTheories and Methods in Linguistics, ed. Johannes Kabatek & Bernd Kortmann. Berlin: Mouton de GruyterExterner Link.

    Haas, Florian (2012). Qualia Theory. In WSK (Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft) Externer LinkTheories and Methods in Linguistics, ed. Johannes Kabatek & Bernd Kortmann. Berlin: Mouton de GruyterExterner Link

    Haas, Florian (2012). Morphosyntax. In WSK (Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft) Externer LinkTheories and Methods in Linguistics, ed. Johannes Kabatek & Bernd Kortmann. Berlin: Mouton de GruyterExterner Link.

    Haas, Florian (2012). Contrastive Analysis. In WSK (Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft) Externer LinkTheories and Methods in Linguistics, ed. Johannes Kabatek & Bernd Kortmann. Berlin: Mouton de GruyterExterner Link.

    Haas, Florian (2012). Review of: Pfenninger, Simone (2009) Externer LinkGrammaticalization paths of English and High German existential constructions: a corpus-based study. Bern: Peter Lang, in LinguistListExterner Link.

    Gast, Volker & Florian Haas (2011). On the distribution of subject properties in formulaic presentationals of Germanic and Romance: A diachronic-typological approach.Externer Link In Andrej Malchukov & Anna Siewierska (eds.) Impersonal Constructions: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

    Haas, Florian (2010). Book notice of Iwata, Seizi (2008). Externer LinkLocative alternation. Amsterdam: Benjamins.Externer Link.

    Haas, Florian (2010). Reciprocity in English -- historical development and synchronic structure.Externer Link London: Routledge.

    Kerz, Elma & Florian Haas (2009). The aim is to analyze NP: the function of prefabricated chunks in academic texts. In: Formulaic Language. Ed. Roberta Corrigan, Edith Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali & Kathleen Wheatley. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

    Haas, Florian (2008). Symmetric verbs and constraints on passivization: an English-German comparison. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA) 56.3: 255-268.

    Gast, Volker & Florian Haas (2008). On reflexive and reciprocal readings of anaphors in German and other European languages. In Ekkehard König & Volker Gast (eds.) Reflexives and Reciprocals -- Theoretical and Typological Explorations. Berlin: de Gruyter, 307-346.

    Stathi, Ekaterini & Florian Haas (2008). The morphosyntactic status of the Greek bipartite reciprocal in cross-linguistic perspective. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 61: 67-80.

    Haas, Florian (2007). The development of English each other  - grammaticalization, lexicalization, or both? English Language and Linguistics 11.1: 31-50. (PDF of draft)

    König, Ekkehard & Florian Haas (2007). Typologie du réciproque et constructions réciproques dans les langues créoles. In: Karl Erland Gadelii & Anne Zribi-Hertz (eds.) Grammaires créoles et grammaire comparative, 133-149, (‘SCIENCES DU LANGAGE‘ des PUV)

    Haas, Florian (2006). Review of: Pavol Štekauer. Meaning Predictability in Word Formation - Novel, context-free naming units. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2005. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA) 54.2.

  • Talks
    • 07.05.2024 "Áperitif im Réstaurant -- Der rätselhafte deutsche Wortakzent in der Gastronomie." Öffentlicher Habilitationsvortrag, FSU Jena
    • 16.01.2024 "Englische Varietäten und Komplexität." Habilitationsvortrag, FSU Jena.
    • 30.08.2018 "Changing human impersonal pronouns in English: A corpus study." Societas Linguistica Europea, 51st Annual Meeting, Tallinn University, 29 August-1st September 2018.
    • 16.09.2016 "'Challenges in the diachronic study of impersonalization" Linguistic Theory and Language Comparison, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, September 16 2016.
    • 09.04.2016 "'You can't control a thing like that': Modern English human impersonal pronouns and changing 'oral' genres." Diachronic Corpora, Genre, and Language Change, University of Nottingham, April 8-9 2016.
    • 21.08.2015 "Human impersonal pronouns in populist discourse" Interdisciplinary perspectives on populist discourse in Germany and Poland, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)/Slubice, August 20-21 2015. (with Lisa Deringer, Volker Gast and Olga Rudolf)
    • 01.08.2015 "Impersonals in cross-linguistic perspective: Converging evidence from typology and corpora.", 11th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (USA), August 1-3 2015. (with Lisa Deringer, Volker Gast, Olga Rudolf and Johan van der Auwera)
    • 11.09.2014 "Modern English human impersonal pronouns in typological perspective" 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE), University of Poznan, September 11-14 2014. (with Eliane Lorenz)
    • 24.08.2014 "The recent history of human impersonal pronouns: a corpus study" 3rd Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE), Universität Zürich, August 24-27 2014.
    • 05.04.2014 "The role of empathy in the distribution of human impersonal pronouns" Empathy in Language, Literature and Society, University of Reykjavik, April 4-6 2014. (with Olga Rudolf)
    • 12.03.2013 "The recent history of human impersonal pronouns in English: a corpus-based approach" Workshop on 'impersonal pronouns', Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
    • 06.06.2012 "English presentational sentences and their relation to inversion" Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main.
    • 30.09.2010 "Nominal conversions of preposition-reciprocal compounds: Motivating an English-German contrast in word-formation" 6th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC6), Freie Universität Berlin, September 30-October 2, 2010.
    • 17.07.2009 "The system of English presentational constructions reconsidered" The International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (ICLCE) 3, University of London, July 15-17 2009.
    • 24.02.2009 "Präsentativa in europäischen Sprachen" 18. Internationale Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 24-26 February 2009. (with Volker Gast)
    • 09.10.2008 "Comparing constraints on passivization in English and German: the case of 'symmetric' verbs" First Triennial Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, Universität Freiburg, October 8-11 2008.
    • 01.10.2008 "Presentational sentences in English" Department of English and Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
    • 19.09.2008 "Introducing discourse referents in Germanic and Romance -- presentationals in comparative perspective" Languages in Contrast -- Grammar, Translation, Corpora, Università di Bologna, September 17-20 2008. (with Volker Gast)
    • 08.08.2008 "The event structure of symmetric predicates" 2nd UK Postgraduate Conference in Cognitive Linguistics, University of Brighton, 8 August 2008.
    • 07.07.2008 "Symmetric verbs and constraints on passivization -- an English-German comparison" 5th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference, University of Leuven (Belgium), July 7-9, 2008.
    • 29.05.2008 "Competing strategies for the expression of reciprocity in English" Linguistisches Oberseminar, Institut für Anglistik, Universität Bamberg.
    • 27.02.2008 "How symmetric are 'symmetric verbs'?" 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Bamberg, 27-29 February 2008.
    • 02.12.2007 "Gender resolution in bipartite reciprocal markers" Reciprocals across languages, Freie Universität Berlin/Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (OTS). Berlin, 30 November-2 December 2007. (with Ekaterini Stathi)
    • 21.04.2007 "The aim is to analyze NP: the function of prefabricated chunks in academic texts" UWM Linguistics Symposium on Formulaic Language, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. (with Elma Kerz)
    • 05.10.2006 "Symmetric verbs and argument structure" Second International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. Munich, 5-7 October 2006
    • 06.04.2006 "English verbs and constructions: two case studies and some implications for a constructionist approach to grammatical structure" Directions in English Language Studies (DELS), University of Manchester, 06.-08.04.2006. (with Elma Kerz)
    • 11.03.2006 "Revisiting the relationship between verbs and nominal reciprocals" Mini-Workshop on the Typology of Reciprocals, Freie Universität Berlin. (with Ekaterini Stathi)
    • 11.02.2005 "The development of English each other - grammaticalization, lexicalization, or both?" From Ideational to Interpersonal: Perspectives on Grammaticalization (FITIGRA), University of Leuven.
    • 01.10.2004 "Why are there no reciprocal uses of German sich in PPs?" Workshop on Reciprocity and Reflexivity: Description, Typology and Theory, FU Berlin, October 2-4, 2004. (with Volker Gast)
    • 02.07.2004 "Zur Entwicklung der Reziprokkonstruktionen in den germanischen und romanischen Sprachen." Studientag 'Das Wo und Wann des Sprachwandels', Interdisziplinäres Zentrum Europäische Sprachen: Strukturen - Entwicklung - Vergleich (FU Berlin). (with Matthias Hüning and Elisabeth Stark)
    • 05.02.2004 "Typologie du réciproque et constructions réciproques dans les langues créoles." Grammaire Créoles et Grammaire Comparative, Université Paris-8 (with Ekkehard König)
  • Academic Activities
    • Reviewing for journals (Journal of Pragmatics, Corpora, English Language and Linguistics, English Studies, Folia Linguistica, Globe, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Onomázein) and publishers (Cambridge University Press, Benjamins, Routledge)
    • Speaker of the M.A. selection commission (2012-2019)
    • Member of the M.A. selection commission (2012-)
    • Departmental Erasmus coordinator (2009-2020)
    • Member of the faculty council (FU Berlin 2008-2009)
    • Member of the institute council (FU Berlin: 2005-2007; FSU Jena: 2009-2012; 2019-2021)
  • Memberships
    • Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT)
    • Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE)
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS)
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik (DGKL)
    • International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA)
    • International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)
    • Interdisciplinary Centre 'European Languages - Structures - Development - Comparison' (ZEUS)
Florian Haas, PD Dr.
Florian Haas
Foto: Franziska Williams
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  • Ich unterstütze die Initiative Weltoffenes Thüringen