Catharina Marinica (Friedrich Schiller University Jena): "Reflexiva" (07.01.2022)
Alissa Mellinger (University of Dundee): "Choose your words wisely: the role of semantic and sociolinguistic features in lexical selection" (14.07.2022)
Ewa Dąbrowska (Erlangen-Nürnberg): "The effects of literacy on grammar" (22.01.2020)
Martin Schäfer (Düsseldorf): "Default meanings in novel compounds" (04.06.2019)
Scott Crossley (Geogia State University): "Crowd-sourcing linguistic data to better understand lexical processing and production" (23.05.2019)
Darren Lilleker (Bournemouth University): "Web democracy and the death of civil society" (15.01.2019)
Workshops and conferences
In Schleicher's Footsteps
07.12.2018, Max-Plack-Institut für Menscheitsgeschichte