
Recent publications

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  • Recent books

    Diessel, Holger. 2023. The constructicon: Taxonomies and networks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

    Haas, Florian. 2023. A diachronic perspective on English human impersonal pronouns. Habilitationsschrift, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

    Diessel, Holger, Kenny Coventry, Harmen B. Gudde, and Olga Caprici. 2021. (eds.), Demonstratives, Deictic Pointing and the Conceptualization of Space. Frontiers in Psychology.External link

    Diessel, Holger. 2019. The grammar network. How linguistic structure is shaped by language use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    König, Ekkehard and Volker Gast. 2018. Understanding English-German contrasts. 4th edn. Grundlagen der Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.

    Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten, Natalia Levshina, Susanne Maria Michaelis and Ilja A. Seržant (eds.). 2019. Explanation in typology: Diachronic sources, functional motivations and the nature of the evidence. Berlin: Language Science Press.

  • Recent articles

    Shcherbakova, Olena, Volker Gast, Damian Blasi, Hedvig Skirgård, Russell Gray and Simon Greenhill (2022). 'A quantitative global test of the complexity trade-off hypothesis: the case of nominal and verbal grammatical markingExternal link'. Linguistics Vanguard.

    Gast, Volker, Christian Wehmeier and Dirk Vanderbeke 2023. 'A Register-Based Study of Interior Monologue in James Joyce’s UlyssesExternal link'. Literature 3.1: 42-65.

    Gast, Volker and Robert Borges 2023. 'Nouns, Verbs and Other Parts of Speech in Translation and Interpreting: Evidence from English Speeches Made in the European Parliament and Their German Translations and InterpretationsExternal link'. Languages 8.1: 39.

    Gast, Volker 2023. 'The Temporal Alignment of Speech-Accompanying Eyebrow Movement and Voice Pitch: A Study Based on Late Night Show InterviewsExternal link'. Behvioral Sciences 13.1: 52.

    Mohseni, Mahdi, Christoph Redies and Volker Gast. 2022. Approximate Entropy in Canonical and Non-Canonical Fiction. Entropy 24.2: 278.

    Schokkin, Dineke, Volker Gast, Nicholas Evans, Christian Döhler. 2021. Phonetic fieldwork in Southern New Guinea. Language Documentation & Conservation 24: 76-107.

    Gast, Volker & Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm. 2021. Patterns of persistence and diffusibility in the European lexicon External link. Linguistic Typology.

    Diessel, Holger, Kenny Coventry, Harmen B. Gudde, and Olga Caprici. 2021. Editorial: Demonstratives, deictic pointing and the conceptualization of space. Frontiers in Psychology. External link

    Mohseni, Mahdi, Volker Gast & Christoph Redies. 2021. Fractality and Variability in Canonical and Non-Canonical English Fiction and in Non-Fictional TextsExternal link. Frontiers in Psychology 12.

    Holger Diessel & Merlijn Breunesse. 2020. A typology of demonstrative clause linkers.
    In Åshild Næss, Anna Margetts & Yvonne Treis (eds.), Demonstratives in discourse,
    305–341. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4055834

    Berdicevskis, Aleksandrs, Karsten Schmidtke-Bode and Ilja A. Seržant. 2020. Subjects tend to be encoded only once: Corpus-based and grammar-based evidence for an efficiency-driven trade-off. In Kilian Evang, Laura Kallmeyer, Rafael Ehren, Simon Petitjean, Esther Seyffarth and Djamé Seddah (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, 79-92. Düsseldorf: Association for Computational Linguistics.

    Rzymski, Christoph, Tiago Tresoldi, Simon Greenhill, Mei-Shin Wu, Nathanael Schweikhard, Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Volker Gast, Timotheus Bodt, Abbie Hantgan, Gereon Kaiping, Sophie Chang, Yunfan Lai, Natalia Morozova, Heini Arjava, Nataliia Hübler, Ezequiel Koile, Steven Pepper, Mariann Proos, Briana Van Epps, Ingrid Blanco, Carolin Hundt, Sergei Monakhov, Kristina Pianykh, Sallona Ramesh, Russell Gray, Robert Forkel and Johann-Mattis List. 2020. 'The Database of Cross-Linguistic Colexifications', reproducible analysis of cross-linguistic polysemies. Scientific Data 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-019-0341-xExternal link

    Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten. 2019. Introduction. In Karsten Schmidtke-Bode, Natalia Levshina, Susanne Maria Michaelis and Ilja A. Seržant (eds.), Explanation in typology: Diachronic sources, functional motivations and the nature of the evidence, iii-xii. Berlin: Language Science Press.

    Ziegeler, Debra, Eric Melac and Volker Gast. 2019. The rise of right periphery either. Language Sciences 75. 15–34.

    Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten. 2019. Attractor states and diachronic change in Hawkins’ Processing Typology. In Karsten Schmidtke-Bode, Natalia Levshina, Susanne Maria Michaelis and Ilja A. Seržant (eds.), Explanation in typology: Diachronic sources, Functional motivations and the nature of the evidence, 123–148. Berlin: Language Science Press. .

    Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten and Eitan Grossman. 2019. Diachronic sources, functional motivations and the nature of the evidence: A synthesis. In Karsten Schmidtke-Bode, Natalia Levshina, Susanne Maria Michaelis and Ilja A. Seržant (eds.), Explanation in typology: Diachronic sources, Functional motivations and the nature of the evidence, 223–241. Berlin: Language Science Press.

    Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten and Natalia Levshina. 2018. Reassessing scale effects on differential case marking: Methodological, conceptual and theoretical issues in the quest for a universal. In Ilja A. Seržant and Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (eds.), Diachronc typology of differential argument marking, 509–537. Berlin: Language Science Press.

    Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten and Gregor Kachel. 2018. Exploring the motivational antecedents of Nepalese learners of L2 English. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1515/iral-2017-0037. (Online first)

    Haas, Florian. 2018. "You can't control a thing like that": Genres and changes in Modern English human impersonal pronouns. In Richard J. Whitt (ed.), Diachronic corpora, genre, and language change, 171–194. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

    Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten and Holger Diessel 2017. Cross-linguistic patterns in the form, function and position of (object) complement clauses. Linguistics 55(1). 1–38.

    Gast, Volker 2017. Paradigm change and language contact: A framework of analysis and some speculation about the underlying cognitive processesExternal link. JournaLIPP 5(1). 49–70.

    Vanderbeke, Dirk, Volker Gast and Christian Wehmeier 2017. Of gaps and holes and silence: Some remarks on elliptic speech and pseudo-orality in James Joyce's short story "The Sisters"External link. Literary Linguistics 6(1). Art. 5.

    Haas, Florian 2017. Motivating an English-German contrast in word formation. Languages in Contrast 17(2). 183–204.

  • To appear

    Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten and Holger Diessel. 2023. The typology of non-argument clauses. In Manfred Krifka and Mathias Schenner (eds.), The Oxford handbook of embedding. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Diessel, Holger. to appear. Determiners and demonstratives. In Solveiga Armoskaite and Martina Wiltschko (eds.), The Oxford handbook of determiners. New York: Oxford University Press.

    Gast, Volker. forthcoming. The German modal particle 'ja' and its lexical correlates in English: A qualitative study based on the Europarl corpus. In Gergel, R., I. Reich & A. Speyer (eds.), Particles in English, German and beyond.

    Gast, Volker. forthcoming. Comparing annotation types and n-gram sizes: A case study of the German modal particles 'ja' and 'doch' and their English reflexes in the Europarl-Corpus, based on n-gram distributions . In Schützler, O. & J. Schlüter (eds.), Data and Methods in Corpus Linguistics: Comparative Approaches. Oxford University Press.

    Janebová, Markéta, Michaela Martinkova and Volker Gast. forthcoming. Czech type nouns: Evidence from corpora. In L. Brems, K. Davidse, I. Hennecke, A. Kolyaseva, A. Kisiel & W. Mihatsch (eds.): Type Noun Constructions in Slavic, Germanic and Romance Languages: Semantics and pragmatics on the move. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.