Amanda Halter, M.A.
Since 05/2020 |
Research Associate in American Studies, FSU Jena |
since 09/2019 |
PhD Candidate in American Studies, FSU Jena Working Title: "Reading Environmental Violence in Contemporary American Young Adult Fiction" |
since 2019 | Adjunct Lecturer in American Studies, FSU Jena |
2018-2019 |
Leave Replacement: Research Associate in American Studies, FSU Jena |
2016-2018 | Student Assistant for Editorial Work, Institute of Social Geography, FSU Jena |
2016-2017 | Student Assistant, Institute of English and American Studies, FSU Jena |
2015-2017 |
M.A. English and American Studies, FSU Jena “The EcoBildungsroman: Coming of Age in Narratives of Ecological Crisis” |
2014-2015 |
English Language Arts Teacher, Bronx Prep Middle School, Bronx, New York, USA |
2011-2014 |
B.S. Adolescent English Education, Nyack College, Nyack, New York, USA |
2009-2011 | A.A. General Studies, Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA |
2005-2009 |
Highschool Diploma, East High School, Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA |
Editorial Work
- Felgenhauer, Tilo and Karsten Gaebler, eds. Geographies of Digital Culture. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018.
- Gruber, Eva and Caroline Rosenthal, eds. Gained Ground: Perspectives on Canadian and Comparative North American Studies. Rochester: Camden House, 2018.
Publications (Articles)
- "Drawing #WaterBack: Decolonizing Water in/through Indigenous Picturebooks," Special Issue on Blue Humanities- LWU neue Folge - Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht edited by Caroline Rosenthal and Hanna Masslich, vol. 25:2 (in progress).
- "Adressing a Failing US Environmental Education from Within: An Ecopedagogy of Fiction," Political Education and American Studies edited by Astrid Franke, Uwe Küchler, and Kartharina Luther. American Studies: A Monograph Series, Band 324. Universitätsverlag WINTER Heidelberg: 2025, pp. 31-57. ONLINE: LINKExterner Link
- with Caroline Rosenthal. "Post-Pandemic Walden: An Examination of Thoreauvian Place-Based Education Through Covid-19 and Beyond," Teacher Education in (Post-)Pandemic Times and (Post-) Digital Times: International Perspectives on Intercultural Learning, Diversity and Equity edited by Silke Braselmann, Lukas Eibensteiner, and Laurenz Volkmann. Peter Lang: 2024, pp. 125-154. ONLINE: LINKExterner Link
Publications (Reviews)
- "Dana Luciano. How the Earth Feels: Geological Fantasy in the Nineteenth-Century United States (Durham: Duke UP, 2024), pp. 242." Amerikastudien/American Studies, 69.4 (2024), 445-447. DOI: LINKExterner Link
- "Karen L. Kilup's Stronger, Truer, Bolder: American Children's Writing, Nature, and the Environment (Athens: U of Georgia Press, 2021), pp. 428." Gestern, Romantik, Heute: Forum für Wissenschaft und Kultur, 13.12.2023, n. pag. DOI: LINKExterner Link
Talks & Guest Lectures
- "Teaching New Archives of the Environmental Imagination: Nature, (English Language) Education, and Contemporary Picturebooks," at the Annual DGfA Meeting: Archiving America/American Archives, Siegen University, June 12-14, 2025.
- "The Evolution of Realism in US-American Young Adult Fiction" in the seminar "Einführung in die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur" by PD Dr. Sandra Kerschbaumer, FSU Jena, 2 Dec. 2024.
- "Drawing #WaterBack in Indigenous Picturebooks." Ringvorlesung, "Ways of Water: Aquating Poetics and Politics in North American Literatures," FSU Jena, 12.06.2024.
- "Soccer and Gender in North America and Germany" in the M.A. seminar "Football/Soccer and 21st Century Culture" by Prof. Dr. Christoph Ribbat, Universität Paderborn, 3 June 2024.
- "The Environmental Humanities." (with the Ecocriticism Research Collective). Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeit, FSU Jena, 02.11.2023.
- "Ecocriticism on the Ground: A Sketch of Ecocriticial Work at FSU". (with the Ecocriticism Research Collective). Research Colloquium at the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus, FSU Jena, 29.06.2023.
- "Literature and Literary Studies in/of the Anthropocene." (with Carolin Grzenia). Guest Lecture, "Teaching the Climate Crisis" Seminar, FSU Jena, 21.06.2023.
- "Bridging Place-Based Learning and Critical Pedagogy: Picturebooks as Practical Application." In "Workshop: Place-Based Education and Environmental Care," as part of the DFG-funded research training group "The Romantic Model" at FSU Jena, 11.05.23.
- “Facets of Literature in the Anthropocene.” (with Carolin Grzenia and Florian Wagner). Guest Lecture, “Nature Writing and Ecocriticism” Seminar, FSU Jena, 12.01.23.
- "'Re-Drawing' Nature: The Environmental Imagination in Contemporary Picturebooks." Invited guest lecture in the seminar "Bilderbücher in der Grundschule," University of Potsdam, 26.09.2022.
- "The Anthropocene in Art and Literature." (with Carolin Grzenia and Florian Wagner). Guest Lecture, "Romantic Thought in the Epoch of the Anthropocene" Seminar, FSU Jena, 03.05.2022.
- “Addressing a Failing US Environmental Education: The Potential of Young Adult Anthropocene Fiction.” Annual DGfA Meeting: Political Education & American Studies, University of Tübingen, June 9-11, 2022.
- “At the Center of the Storm: A Critical Analysis of Adolescence in Young Adult Eco-Fiction.” Workshop on Constructions of Adolescence, Hosted by Technische Universität Dresden, virtual, 16.07.2021.
- “Crises, Chasms, and Unlikely Collectives: Growing Up in Contemporary Young Adult Eco-Dystopian Fiction.” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts: Climate Change and the Anthropocene, virtual, 20.03.2021.
- “’Maybe it was the end of the world- that world’: An Examination of Hope in Young Adult Eco-Dystopian Fiction of the Anthropocene.” 31st Annual Mardi Gras Graduate Student Conference: Uncertain Futures: Exploring Ambiguities, Hopes and Anxieties, Louisiana State University, virtual, 10.02.2021.
- “Ecocriticism and Young Adult Literature: Texts as Expressive Agents for Change.” Guest Lecture, Nature Writing and Ecocriticism Lecture Series, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, 21.01.2021.
- "The Bildungsroman in the Anthropocene: Reading Narratives of Formation in the New Epoch." Regional Colloquium of American Studies. 25.10.2019, Halle, DE.
Research Interests
- Children’s and Young Adult Literature
- Ecocriticism
- The Anthropocene in Literature and Culture
- Adaptation Studies: Film, Literature, and Popular Culture
- Literature Between the Wars and The Lost Generation
Affiliations, Memberships, and Academic Networks
- Children's Literature Association (ChLA)
- Ecocriticism Research Collective, Institute of American Studies, FSU Jena
- German Association of American Studies (DGfA/GAAS)
- Young Adult Studies Association (YASA)
- Keeping it "Real": Young Adult Fiction and Realism (WiSe 24/25)
- The Environmental Imagination in Children's Picturebooks (Uni Erfurt SoSe22; Jena SoSe25)
- Introduction to Literary Studies II (SoSe24)
- Demystifying Literary Theory (WiSe23/24)
- The Western (SoSe23)
- Adaptation: Literature to/from Film and Beyond (WiSe22)
- Introduction to Literary Studies II (SoSe22)
- Introduction to Literary Studies II (WiSe21/22)
- Wild Things: Children's Culture and Ecocriticism (SoSe21)
- Young Adult Literature (WiSE20/21)
- Gatsby(s) on the Silver Screen (WiSE20/21)
- Revisions of the Bildungsroman in Anglophone Literature and Culture (WiSE19/20)
- The Lost Generation (WiSE18/19)
- The American Bildungsroman (SoSe18)
- "Wasserwissen und Umweltbildung." Thüringer Wasser-Innovationscluster. (02.06.23) - "E10: (Re)reading Little Women for the Holiday Season" with Stefanie Schaefer, LadyFiction Podcast, The Trans-Atlanticist, 16.12.2021.
Homepage: Link
Spotify: Link
Apple: Link
- "Wasserwissen und Umweltbildung." Thüringer Wasser-Innovationscluster. (02.06.23)
- "Environmental Crisis and Culture: An Introduction to Ecocriticism and a Public Discussion" (with Ecocriticism Research Collective). Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 22.11.2021.
- "Climate Change Stories: A Reading and Discussion" (with Jamie Hyatt). Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 19.05.2021.
- "The Climate Crises and the Literary Imagination: A Reading and Discussion" (with Ecocriticism Research Collective). Public Climate School, FSU Jena, 21.11.2020.
Amanda Halter